Friday, April 9, 2010

How To Avoid Dead End Programs

It's so easy to get caught up in all the so called money making programs, there are so many people that create programs that promise to make you hundreds even thousands of dollars.What these people are really doing is playing on greed and desparation, they also set you up to fail.Let's face it, the reason why 90% of internet marketers fail is because 90% of the programs out there just don't work!
If it says that you can make money for free it's a SCAM, if they use quotes from celebrities and you don't see it on an informertial on TV then it's a SCAM,if it's a weight loss product and it's not cleared by any medical association or by the FDA then it's a SCAM!
If there is a so called "free report" that is a capture page that will harvest your e-mail address and send you more junk mail to your inbox!And when they say that they don't share your e-mail address with anyone they are full if it! They don't share it they sell it!
Money makes money but not only that, you have to be careful which programs you decide to affiliate yourself with.
When shopping for a program that you want to do from home the best way to go about it is (not Google), checking with the Better Business Bureau this way you know if the company is legitimate or not.Are they a publicly traded company? The best way to find that out is through the New York Stock Exchange.How long has the company been around?Do some research through your government, check to see if they are listed.The Freedom of Information Act is a wonderful thing! Do they have a 1-800 number? Call them and ask them some questions eg: how much money do they generate quarterly?Are there any pending lawsuits against them?Are they based in the US or Canada?If their head office is in Nigeria stay away from it!
Research like this is a little time consuming to be sure, but it's worth it in the end because you not only save yourself a lot of money, but you also gain valuable knowledge that you can pass on to anyone else you know who wants to start a career from home.
Now, the reason why I say not to Google a company is because most of the links on Google lead to other marketers websites that try to lure you in to joining their dead end programs.Reputable companies don't need to do that, again the Better Business Bureau and the New York Stock Exchange are the two main sources that you want to get your information from.
Oh and one more tip, if you come across a program that looks good but is led by a guy that you know has failed before stay away from it!If he failed before then you know he's going to fail again and you'll lose your money!
But not all MLM programs are like that, again do your homework, make sure the company has been around for a long time and join directly from the corporate website that way there's no middle man to deal with!

I wish you luck :)

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