Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It Starts With One!

Seeing as how this blog is about my life in gereral, I would like to share with you the recent additions to my family.

I grew up in a house full of animals, my mother worked for the Ontario Humane Society so she was always bringing home something, if it wasn't a pregnant dog it was cats and sometimes the odd raccoon which was both entertaining and scary! So I am used to having animals.Ok speed up to present day and I just wanted one female kitten one little kitten to have and to hold on my lap because lets face it pit bulls are heavy lol.
Anyway I just happened to have a customer come into my store one night and long story short she had a litter of kittens she was trying to find homes for, so, I go to her house to see the kittens and to pick out a female, the kittens were born in a woodpile so they were split up, three in the house and the other two kittens in the woodpile somewhere, so, I go and see the ones that were in the house.Needless to say I left with two that day.
Fast forward two weeks, the kittens (James & Yuna) are settled in and happy, I get a phone call from their litter mother and she couldn't find a home for the other two kittens, the ones that I wanted to begin with............ add another two to my happy little home.
So now I have four kittens, my vet is going to love me come January when I bring them all in to get spayed and neutered!

So, that's my story for today, if you ever wondered how crazy cat ladies got their start, well, now you know.