Friday, February 19, 2010

I Lost 15 LBS And I Didn't Spend A Dime!

Yup.You heard it right I did it not by buying silly over-priced shakes or metabolizing boosting pills that are really just placebos!
I did it not by joining a gym or hiring a personal trainer, because frankly, if you have to pay someone to tell you to move your ass then you really need help!

Are you ready to read how I went from a size 12 to a size 9 in only three weeks? 

(Got ya!)
There is no site to go to as there is really nothing to sell, this information is free because I'm really sick and tired of people making money off of something that is really simple to do!

I gave up:                                                             I replaced it with:
  • Salt                                                              brown sugar
  • White Sugar                                                wild rice
  • White Rice                                                  brown bread  
  • White Bread                                               fruit
  • Candy & Chips                                           willpower
  • Pop 
Oh, and I work in a convenience store; I'm surrounded by chocolate, chips and candy, not to mention pop and energy drinks!

What I did to lose the weight is not by drinking a tonne of water either, I drink it when I feel like it; not drinking 8 to 10 glasses a day is nice, unless of course you like water then drink all you want!
No, I like my coffee I just don't have cream in it and I don't eat fast food or any fried food if it's not boiled or broiled I won't touch it.
If you bought a diet book and took all of the information that was of use to you do you know that you would only have about 4 pages out of 200!So technically you paid $29.99 for 4 pages of stuff that you could have thought up yourself!
So here it is for free! I hope that you put the information to good use and please by all means click on the google ads so that I can actually stay home and write more entertaining blogs like this one :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

It Costs SO Little!

Over $488,000 in commissions doing what I already do anyway?

And that’s not all… You still get paid for each ad you click! And remember, if you’re a Premium ClixSense member (a measly $10 per Year) , then you get paid for each ad clicked by Premium members in your downline!
ClixSense pays 90% of Premium upgrade costs back to its members! The other 10% pays the fees to process the transaction to ClixSense! That’s unheard of in this industry!!

Help For The Newbies

Are you new to internet marketing?
Have you just gotten involved in a company and you have no idea how to go about promoting it?
Well, you are not alone! Millions of people go online daily in the hopes that they can find something, anything that they can do from the comfort of their own home to make money; and who can blame them? With the way the job market is these days you're pretty much just working to survive and not to LIVE!
There are thousands upon thousands of capture pages that claim that they help people for free but when you get to the bottom of that capture page SURPRISE there's a charge of either $39 or $97, Umm wait a minute, that is not MY definition of free and I'm pretty sure that it's not yours either!
So, let's cut to the chase, I have written two reports on how you can build your own blog and get your own traffic to that website, and the cost you ask..................?
Why am I not charging for anything? Because I don't think it's fair and everyone deserves a break once in a while.But while I am not asking for money I do ask for one small favor........
Pass along the information that I give you so that others can modify it with their own links and promote it using the same technique that I am right now.
Pretty simple right?
So just send me an e-mail to with "Reports Request" in the subject and I will send them to you.

To Your Success :)